Legacy IT

Providing a holistic approach to your technology needs


Happy clients


Tickets solved


People strong

27 yrs

Of experience

3 yrs

Of time saved

All-Inclusive Pricing

All the support you need with a predicatble budget

We won't quit

We will always be there

VCIO Services

We will help you guide or make you aware of new technology trends in your specific industry.

Network Installation and Maintenance

A solid and reliable network is crucial in today’s work environment. We can install, configure, troubleshoot, and maintain your wired/wireless network.

Solution/Client Oriented

We will never sell you anything. We will present you solutions to your problems and let you decide.

Single Platform

All your business technology services under one roof. Giving you a single place to contact for any issues or questions that arise.

Welcome to Legacy IT

Legacy IT, LLC provides a variety of computer-related services and products, including: software, hardware, consulting, network support and training for any size business or organization. We offer competitive pricing, quick response time and superior customer service

  • Competitive pricing
  • Quick response time
  • Caring customer service

Legacy IT's mission

To provide you with superior service, next level IT consult, and services. We offer competitive pricing, quick turn-around times, network support and design along with computer-related services